Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Os Celaes, the Orc Hunters

Et forslag til en prestige class i Lagos.
Ideen er at Os Celaes består af elvere der vil have grønhuderne og andet skravl ud af lagos.
De er bygget over Darkwood Stalker fra Complete Warrior. De er racister så det batter, men det er vel også iorden at slå orker ihjel...?

Hit Die: d8

Race: Elf for 5 generations at least
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Hide 5 ranks, Listen 5 ranks, Move Silently 5 ranks, Speak Language (Orc), Spot 5 ranks, Search 5 ranks
Feats: Dodge, Track

Class Features:
Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (local), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Ride, Search, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope.
Skill points per level: 4 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiencey: Os Celaes gains no further proficiency with armor or weapons
Ancient Foe (Ex): Due to his extensive study of orcs and training in the proper techniques for combating them, an Os Celaes gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Search checks when using these skills against orcs. He gets the same bonus on weapon damage rolls against these creatures. An Os Celaes also gets the bonus on damage with ranged weapons, but only against targets within 30 feet. The bonus on damager dos not apply to creatures immune to critical hits. At 4th, 7th and 10th level the Os Celaes’ bonus goes up by +2. This bonus stacks with a favored enemy bonus (if any) aquired through ranger levels.
Hunter’s Oath: At 1st level the Os Celaes takes an oath to stay true and follow the cause no matter what stands in the way. As the Os Celaes progresses in level, so does his blind faith in the oath. In gaming terms this means that the Os Celaes gains a +1 bonus on any will save that is forced upon him by orcs (spells and effects). This bonus is raised by one for every level of Os Celaes.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, an Os Celaes gains this ability. If he already has the uncanny dodge ability from another class, the character gains the improved uncanny dodge instead.
Sneak Attack (Ex): If an Os Celaes has this ability from another class, the bonuses stack. Same as Rogue.
Darkvision (Ex): Although stealthy and keen-eyed, the Os Celaes is often at a disadvantage against orcs when fighting in darkness. As they grow in experience, their night vision improves, eventually matching the darkvision of their hated foes.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level and higher an Os Celaes can no longer be flanked. Same as Rogue.
Dodge Critical (Ex): Although often more skilled than their foes, Os Celaes have seen too many battles won by one lucky blow from a falchion. At 8th level, an Os Celaes becomes able to turn even the luckiest blow into a grazing strike. Once per day an Os Celaes can make a Reflex save (DC 20 + the enhancement bonus, if any, possessed by the weapon) to turn a critical hit dealt upon him into a normal hit. The Os Celaes must be aware of the attack, and not flat.footed, and he must declare his attempt to reduce the effect of the critical hit before the damage is dealt.
Death Attack (Ex): If a 10th level Os Celaes stuies a particular orc for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of possibly killing the target. While studying the orc, the Os Celaes can undertake any other actions as long as his attention stays focused on the target and the target does not detect the Os Celaes or recognize him as an enemy. If the victim of such an attack fails his Fortitude save (DC 10 + the Os Celaes’ level + The Os Celaes’ Wis modifier), he dies. If the victims saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once the Os Celaes has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the attack within the next 3 rounds.

Talk Like A Pirate Day - 19 September

Hej Gutter

Nu er det omkring den tid hvor der er mange fødselsdag i min familie. Jeg posted den anden dag på min egen så er der Rune og min søster hun har også snart. Men der er også en anden meget vigtig dag på vej nemlig den internationale "Talk Like a Pirate Day". Det er jo her den 19 september og derfor smider jeg lige et par links op så I alle kan være klar til den store dag :)

Den Officielle Hjemmeside

En film for at komme i stemning

Monday, August 28, 2006

Min Fødseldag!!

Ja det er jo min fødselsdag så jeg ville lige lave en post og give jer alle sammen chancen for at ønske mig tillykke ;)

Forresten prøv lige dette link og se om i kan spotte aben:

TV Midt-Vest i Fredags

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sommerhus 2006

Her er så billeder fra sommerhuset. Der er ikke mange, men de er til gengæld mega gode...eller...

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Nå Hvem glæder sig :)

NWN 2 - Gamespy Preview

Dawn of War - Dark Crusade

Hey Gutter

Har i fået tjecket trailer for det nye Dawn of War - Dark Crusade?!? Ellers gør det lige inde på IGN der har de en masse. Ser ret fedt ud, nu kan man være Necron og TAU også mangler stadig "Sisters".

Dawn of War - Dark Crusade

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Lagos - World Description

Hej Drenge

Poster lige mine nyeste notater om Lagos verdenen. Rune har det også på word document, men ville lige gi alle en chance for at læse det her:

World Description


Nikos is the name of an ancient and all creating god, but it’s also the name of the island which is the entire known world. The isle is dominated by one great empire, stretching from far north to far south. Right in the middle of the isle is the great capital city, Lagos.

Lagos, Capital of the Empire.

Lagos is a medieval metropolis of grand proportions. It takes a whole day to ride from one end of town to the other. It’s placed in the middle of Nikos and the weather is normally hot to temperate. The population is too great to be counted and the city has its own languages. There’s no business in Lagos unless it’s guild business. Whether it’s the absence of a great emperor and a strong guard or it’s just modern times as some call it, the guilds have taken over the rule of Lagos. All religions of the world are present in Lagos. Recently also a new doomsday religion has sprung up in the city called Cult of the Final Destiny.

City regions:

Spire City was built by the extremely rich emperors of the first empire. It’s placed in the centre of the city. These great white marble towers rise up above the city and continues to the sky. The towers shine with their golden roofs and jewel decorations, guarded by the diamond golems and the griffon knights this is the world’s greatest stronghold. Originally built for the rulers of the empire and the royalty, now this part of town is more like a ghostly vision. No emperor has sat on the throne for a hundred years, and therefore nobody has anything to do in Spire City. Only the grand mage tower on the boarder of Spire City is still busily visited.

Common Market
is the first thing you meet when entering Lagos from the north gate. It stretches out from the north to north-west part of the city. People here are of common to good wealth status. The centre of the neighbourhood is the great marketplace, here you can buy anything your heart desires and for half the price. All the peasants, traders and any kind of person who wants to do business come to common market. Also just on the side of the market is the famous MacGregors Inn, the best meal, best ale and best bed in town. Strongest guild presence is the Habson Family, the Bankers and the Goldswords. The religion most present in the neighbourhood is Church of The Kind Heart (Sct. Mattias Chapel) but there are also some temples to the old gods and even to the northern gods.

placed in the north east part of the city. Not the biggest region or most populated area of town. But still home of some interesting sites, the Nameless Graveyard, the East Gate and the Drakemoor Estate. People are of common wealth status and a lot of them work in the forest just outside the gate. Hunters, skinners and foresters are typical jobs in the area. Also the neighbourhood is very popular with the elves, most of Lagos elf population lives here. Strongest guild presence is the Marksmen and the Shadowcreepers. The religion practiced in the area is mostly the old gods, for some reason things haven’t changed much in Scythesby for many decades.

The Riverside
lie close to the river Darkon, that‘s running through the center of town. The busily harbour is what makes this part of Lagos live. There are lots of warehouses, shipyards and inns. The people here are poor to common in wealth status. Captain James Ringo and his pirate guildsmen have a strong grasp on the region. Though the pirates and sailors have many internal struggles they keep others at bay, and also all ships not paying their toll. Strongest guild presence is The Captain’s Lodge, the Fencer’s Guild and the Shadowcreepers. There’s no real religious presence on riverside. Some sailors have built small shrines close to the water, where they can pray for protection and safe travel on the sea.

Dragontail Avenue
runs along the eastside of the city and ends up meeting with Peeblestone Road. It’s the rich part of Lagos, rumours has it that most the guild masters have their castle on the Dragontail Avenue. It used to be the place where the knights and the military lived. It’s still home of the city guard, but many of the old barracks has been rebuilt into expensive mansions. There are parks, bath houses and even a music hall. Dragontail Avenue is for the rich and powerful. Strongest guild presence is the Bankers, the Habson Family and the House of Fausto. Religions of the area are Church of the Kind Heart (the Sct. Tokas Monastery), Cult of the Raging Phoenix and some temples to the old gods.

Peeblestone Road
is placed on the south east side of town. It leads out of town, through the south gate, to the mountains. It used to be the place where the miners lived. Now wealth has struck the neighbourhood and most people is common to fairly rich in status. Some of the big mines have collapsed and the road has become a quiet place, with lots of bookstores, jewellers, skilled craftsmen and other finer goods stores. The strongest guild presence is The Goldswords, the Shadowcreepers, the Bankers and the Habson family. Strongest religious presence is Church of the Kind Heart (House of Sct. Gunvor) the Cult of the Raging Phoenix and also some temples of the old gods is still kept active in the region.

The Slum
is the poor side of town and largest part of Lagos. It’s placed south west in town. This part of the city looks like pills of house thrown on top of each other, the stench of excrement and filth is dominating to anyone not living here. During the orc invasion three hundred years ago the warlords broke the city wall and hordes swarmed town from the Drakemoor swamp. Inside the city the fight went to a stop as two strong sides couldn’t over win each other. After a long rivalling siege, the orc warlords and guards of Lagos made a peace treaty. Now orcs, trolls, ogre and the like lives inside the city walls and has expanded into the swampy area south west of the city. The Slum is a boiling pot of different races with one thing in common poverty. The warlords now drive different criminal business most popular is the gladiator rings, where all youngsters can try their luck and maybe earn enough to get out of the slum. Strongest guild presence in region is The Ogre’s Fist (the former warlords), The House of Fausto, the Streetpeople, and The Fencer’s Guild. Strongest religious presence is The Cult of the Final Destiny, Order of Darkflame and Church of the Kind Heart (the Erian Monkorder).

The Darkonian States.

Lots of small courtships lie in the land around Lagos and following the great river of Darkon across the country. Once the empire consisted only of these states and the rest of the world was considered wild and barbaric. The weather here is warm ranging to the tropical in some places. The states are much civilised. They have well a developed agriculture and lots of large trading posts. Because of their long history this people often see themselves as more civilised. They are proud but Darkonians is also known for having a short temper and lots of revolutionary thoughts. Church of the Kind Heart is now the most widespread in the region. The old gods of the first empire still have some temples scattered around the country, some still have active worshipers others are left in ruin.

Towns of Mention:

Lagos (see Above)

is a great city, surrounded by lots of farmer land. Know for great cheese and wine, but also for having a huge library. Population of 14.532 (76% human, 10% halfling, 4% dwarf, 8% elves, 2% half-orc)

Arsgaard, The Northern Kingdoms.

During the ice age this land was completely uninhabited. Slowly the ice melted, the North-West coast was populated by tribes. The tribes developed into kingdoms, and the northern kingdoms were formed. The weather is still cold and turning antic furthest north. The people are called barbaric but are also know for strength, courage and stubbornness. The north western kingdoms is more civilised than their north eastern brothers, they have great craftsmanship, fishing and pig farming. Lots of large seaports lie down the west coast and their longboats is the fastest on the sea. The eastern kingdoms live of mining. They have been collected under one terrorizing leader but are still plagued by civil war and poverty. It’s only a decade ago that “the archmages war” ended, the Traditional Schools of Magic fought the Elemental mages. Tortan and his necromantic army raged across the land destroying the elemental mages and leaving havoc. The dominating religion is the northern family of gods, and Church of the Kind Heart which is mainly worshipped through the Sct. Gunvor Order.

Towns of Mention:

Birdinford, is a fairly big town. It has good access from land as well as from sea through the Birding River. Baron Euphremes II is the ruler. Population of 10.342 (78% human, 21% halflings, 7% dwarf, 3 % half-orc, 1% elves) It has a very famous market week once a year.

a small town that suddenly grew large. It is the number one exporter of salted pork. The placement of the town has made it the perfect food provider for the imperial capital Lagos. Count Johan von Habson III is the ruler. Population of 7.654 (82% human, 4% dwarf, 3% halfling, 1% elves)

Krill, the Southern Sultans.

The land known as Krill is more or less on big desert. The weather there is tropically hot. It’s a lawless country ruled by nomad tribes and powerful sultans. People have gathered around the sea and oasis, which creates only a few big capitals. Krillians is often seen as being savage, but that’s far from the truth. Though they come from a warrior tribe culture, many of their mathematicians, mystics and philosophers are regarded as being between the best in the world. Especially known is Hazim’s Theories of Other Worldly Interference, an occult masterpiece. Export mainly consists of fruit, spices and silk. The two big religions practiced in the land are Cult of the Raging Phoenix and the Sand Religions. Church of the Kind Heart has also gained presence in some of the very populated areas; it’s especially the Sct. Tokas Order that is winning territory in the south.

Cities of Mention:

Port Jazir a capital of proportions. The harbour is the largest in the entire world of Nikos. Emir El-Kalid Maroon is the ruler. Population of 25.975 (67% human, 8% dwarf, 5% halfling, 7% elves, 3% half-orcs). Home of the grand emir and a business capital none the like. This town lures people of all sorts to it.

is a large oasis town in the middle of the desert. Sultan Ezra Ur-Baal is the ruler. Population of 13.745 (77% human, 4% dwarf, 3% halfling, 16% half-orcs). Serves as a trade station for all merchants that choose to go through the desert looking for profit. It’s a town populated by criminals, traders and the roughest survivors of the desert lands.


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